Rock-solid and small enough to carry in your pocket, the PUMA Earl is an excellent choice for the outdoorsman who doesn't want more knife than he needs.

This razor-sharp pocketknife weighs in at 100 grams, giving it a reassuring heft that does not feel weighty when you are using it.

Despite its small size and light weight, the PUMA Earl is totally dependable.

It's handmade in Solingen, Germany, with staghorn scales and brass bolsters, and a blade crafted from D1.4 Cutlery Stainless Steel that rates a 57-59 on the Rockwell hardness test.

It will stay sharp despite repeated use, making it an excellent companion on any camping, hiking or fishing trip.

The blade measures 2-1/2" and locks open securely.

The knife is a full 6-1/2" fully open, and closes to 4" when not in use.

Although it's small enough to fit in your pocket, it comes with a black nylon pouch that keeps it handy when you know you will be using it frequently.

Overall, this is a solid, dependable German knife that's ideal for the person who wants a knife for their outdoor adventures, but doesn't want something too large or bulky in their pocket or on their hip.

Check one out for yourself and see if you don't agree that it's a superb example of German Craftsmanship.

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